Unforgettable Moments in Japan: Toilets, Trash, and MorePosted by RICARDO’S GELATO on DECEMBER 8, 2024Dec 9, 2024Dec 9, 2024
How the Peloton bike changed my lifeIt came one year ago. A Peloton bike, delivered nicely by a fit young man who helped us assemble it. At first it was in the living room but…Dec 9, 2021Dec 9, 2021
More PR Tools: Come on Ontario doctors, how can you advise the population with such sloppy writing?I am continually amazed at how first rate organizations like the Ontario Medical Association pay good money to newswires to distribute…Dec 23, 2020Dec 23, 2020
A love letter to DuoLingo (language made easier)What have you been doing to fill time during the Pandemic?Dec 15, 2020Dec 15, 2020
Alex Trebek and me: a Jeopardy contestant’s encounters with a great manI am mourning Alex Trebek, along with the rest of the Jeopardy community, and everyone else. I mourn him in a special way, as I was a…Nov 13, 2020Nov 13, 2020
More PR Tools: Get rid of ad jargon in headlines and press releases — it’s never usedIn this edition of PR Tools, once again, you need not look long and hard to find press releases crying out for basic edits and reduced…Oct 20, 2020Oct 20, 2020
PR Tools: Sure path to better writing, avoid word repetitions.Word repetitions are easy to catch: don’t repeat the same word in the same sentence or in an adjacent phrase. Even avoid repeating a word…Dec 19, 2019Dec 19, 2019
Ok, Boomer, so it’s Nov. 22 — who cares about JFK?Ok, Boomer. So it’s Nov. 22, the day JFK was assassinated. And it happened on a Friday, just like today? Big deal, that’s ancient history…Nov 22, 2019Nov 22, 2019
A guide to the best PR tools for 2019 — better writing editionThis is the second in a series of important PR tools that will help in content marketing, social media and media contact. The derive from…Feb 9, 2019Feb 9, 2019